First: Deodorant
After making my homemade deodorant and using it for several days in a row, I am now completely OBSESSED with this deodorant. Seriously, it is the best deodorant I have ever used.
I smell great all day.
I have no body odor at evening time.
Each night I try to make Matt smell my pits. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't, but he always agrees that I still smell great, even after my trip to the gym.
Sure, it's non-toxic and 100% natural, but even better than that, it WORKS! I've never had a deodorant work all day like this. And I've not had a single white streak on my clothes!
If there is one "crunchy" recipe you should try, this is the one. It will change your life and you will never want to go back to store-bought deodorant.
Second: Peanut Butter Cups
Recently I posted about my attempt to make my own peanut butter cups. I must say that it went well and they were delicious, however I did learn that JIF (the natural kind) is probably not the best peanut butter to use. It's just too smooth. Next time I think I will try a different brand, maybe even the Justin's brand (they make peanut butter cups as well as jars of peanut butter). Also, Central Market and other grocery stores (even Kroger!) have a grind-your-own-peanut-butter-machine. I might give that a try as well. Getting the right texture is key.
Third: Laundry Detergent
A lot of crunchy websites give recipes for homemade laundry detergent. Whether you like liquid or powder, there is a recipe for you.
What if you're lazy?
Good news: so am I. So I use the easiest method possible: powder and castille soap.
I mix equal parts washing soda (slightly different than baking soda, however I'm not sure of all the chemical properties so I'll avoid pretending like I actually know...I buy the Arm and Hammer brand) and borax, both of which can be found in the laundry detergent aisle at most grocery stores. I mix the two in a plastic bag and put a tablespoon scoop in it. Then I just drop two tablespoons in each load, but before I put the clothes in its important to let it dissolve a little bit if your washer doesn't have a special place for detergent. Since we are currently using cheap washers on campus, we just have to dump the detergent into the washer as is.
Then I add a squirt (teaspoon? tablespoon? I dunno) of castille soap. Boom. I'm done.
You can buy a big box of washing soda and borax for about $2, maybe $3. Castille soap is more pricey, but I buy a big bottle and I use it to make my own face wash, body wash, household cleaners, etc so it more than pays for itself.
Have you ever washed clothes and then felt a soapy film on them? Yeah, I don't get that anymore with my super cheap, all natural, "mix it yourself" stuff.
Even my really smelly gym clothes come out smelling fresh, but not perfumed. I don't like the fake perfume smells of regular detergents. I just want my clothes clean, not flowery sweet.
Give it a try today! You'll be pleasantly surprised. :)